Week 02: Understanding Comics

This week I read Scott McCloud’s “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art,” which I was actually using as a reference book in my major class. As I mentioned earlier, this book is about the information that I major in motion design and that I have enough information to be used as a reference book by the professor during my major class.

I had a little time to accept information because of the transmission of so much information at the beginning, however, this book solved the problem by using different fonts to show people what was important, and I really liked this part.

The author of this book did not explain it only in writing, but the person who explained it was drawn as a character and felt like explaining it in detail and easily in the book. Especially when I explained the icon, I had never questioned how the icon was created and how it was made. If you look at me from page 26, you will explain the difference between realistic character and icon symbols in detail. And when we were young or when we grew up and saw cartoons, we found that the easy empathy for characters was because the simpler the more it was, not the more realistic character.

And on page 70, McCloud explains how the screens are switched from comics, and this information provides a platform for deep appreciation when you look at other works, and I have gained useful information for my work. This book is not a book that reads only once, but it helps me to keep up with the contents of other series.


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